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Imagine this...

It’s 30 days from now and you wake up in the morning with more energy than you know what to do with.

Instead of dreading your blood sugar check, you’re feeling excited to see what your blood sugar is today.

You check your blood sugar and it’s down to your target range.

You breathe a sigh of relief in the fact that you know exactly what to eat and what to do to keep your blood sugar down without giving up your favorite foods, spending hours in the gym, or following a crazy restrictive diet. You have a toolbox full of things you know that will help you stay on track.

You are actually excited for your next blood draw and doctor’s visit because you can’t wait to see how much your A1c has dropped. You now have better understanding and know a really important fact that most others don't have a clue about. Pills and shots alone will not fix your high blood sugar. You walk away from this challenge with a secret, you know finally that you have power over your blood sugar and you know exactly what it takes to begin to reverse it.

That proud feeling you have that you have finally figured this out gives you a calm, yet determined feeling that you can live a happy, healthy, high quality life with diabetes.

How it works...

You will receive an email from me each day for 30 days with the exact blueprint of the steps you need to take each day to lower your blood sugar. Each step will be simple and manageable; it takes about 10 min a day.

This course will answer:

The quickest, proven path to get your blood sugar down in the first week.

What foods will shrink your waist and help you lower your blood sugar.

How to identify your best type of movement so you can change your blood sugar quickly.

How to keep blood sugar down without abandoning every food you love!

It’s the groundwork for taking control of your health. And you can do it without strict rules or food restrictions.

I can guarantee, if you commit, let go of reasons you “can’t” and just let me guide you, you will see lower blood sugar for sure in 30 days. Most students even see dramatic results within the first week or two of the challenge. And the best part, it’s simple. You will begin to restore your energy, have less frustration and keep more money in your pocket

That’s it! Let’s do this together.

I want to make it a no-brainer to get started on the path to better blood sugar and better health. Allow me to help you get the success and results that so many other clients have gotten.

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Join the Challenge Now!

Better Blood Sugar.

Better Energy.

Less Frustration.

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Another client, Norm, was able to bring his A1c from an 8.5% to 6.2% in 3 months, that’s an average blood sugar of 190, down to 120’s!

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My proven step by step, simple process gets results regardless of how high your blood sugar has been.

Up until now, the only way to get these results was to work with me 1:1. I started to run out of hours in the day so I had to find a better way to reach more people. I’ve decided to put the foundations you need to get off some of your meds, into my brand new program called the 30 Day Lower Your Blood Sugar Challenge. This 30 day challenge is the training you will need to be successful in the long term.

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How much has high blood sugar cost you so far?

While your blood sugar stays high, you will continue to shell out money on medications, fad diets, unused gym memberships, supplements and more. For most of my clients, that equates to $2000+ a year, which is $10,000 over 5 years!

Not to mention the non-financial costs of high blood sugar. It zaps your energy, affects your mood and relationships, and keeps you from truly living and enjoying life.

ONLY $1 a day for a complete life change, see results within the first week.

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